Policies / Health & Safety

We have a number of policies and procedures which govern the daily life at Emma‟s Angels.

Some of these policies include Safeguarding, SEN/ Disability and Inclusion, Behaviour management, Equal Opportunities for children and staff, No Smoking, Health and Safety, Complaints, Parental Involvement, Sick Child.

A full copy of the policies and procedures can be found on the parent carer‟s information table and on our Babydays system which you will have access to when your child starts with us. If you require them in another format such as tape, computer disk, large print or Braille we can arrange this for you.

At Emma‟s Angels we follow strict health and safety guidelines. Risk assessments are carried out daily and equipment repaired or replaced as appropriate. We carry out regular fire drills to ensure the safe evacuation of the building.

All employees have been trained in emergency first aid; new employees are required to complete their first aid training within the first 3 months of employment.

Should an accident occur that requires a hospital visit we will contact the parents and the emergency services immediately, a member of staff will accompany the child and meet the parents at the hospital. Permission for emergency treatment will be asked for at the registration of your child and the consent and registration documents will be taken to the hospital.

All accidents will be recorded on the babysdays app. Families will then receive a notification and will be asked to sign the accident form. This is required by OFSTED.

For children who are on medication and have to take it while in the setting, parent/carers are required to complete a medication record form on the babysdays app. This gives permission for a member of staff to administer the medication. Once the medication has been administered you will receive notification through the app. That your child has taken their medication and the time and dosage given.